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Name: Péter
Phone: +36-1-463-4394
Office: 1117 Budapest, XI. Magyar
tudósok körútja 2. IE423
Journal papers
Y. Moreau, P.
P. Antal, A.
Millinghoffer, G. Hullám: Statisztikai adat- és szövegelemzés Bayes-hálókkal: a valószínűségektől a
függetlenségi és oksági viszonyokig, Híradástechnika, 2005, vol. 60, pp 40-49
P. Antal, A.
Millinghoffer: Learning
Causal Bayesian Networks from Literature
Data, Periodica Polytechnica,
2006, vol. 40, no. 3-4, pp 201-221
T. G Szabó, R. Palotai, P.
Antal, I. Tokatly, L. Tóthfalusi,
O. Lund, Gy. Nagy, A. Falus, E. I. Buzás: Critical role of glycosylation in determining the length and structure of T cell epitopes- As suggested by
a combined in silico systems biology approach, Immunome Research, (accepted), IF: 5.33
Semsei A.F,
Antal P, Szalai Cs.: Strengths
and weaknesses of gene association studies in childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukemia, Leuk Res., 2009, in press, doi:10.1016/j.leukres.2009.07.036,
IF: 2.39
Sanjeev Srivastava, Péter
Antal, Mercédesz Mazán, Mária Pásztói, Ilona
Újfalussy, Bernadett Rojkovich, Judit Kelemen, Ildikó
Ungvári, Csaba Szalai, Tamás Gáti, Gábor Hullám, György Nagy, András Falus,
Edit I Buzás: Combined
analysis of two single nucleotide polymorphisms of the glucuronidase gene shows strong association
with rheumatoid arthritis, The Journal of Rheumatology
S. Srivastava, P. Antal, J.
Gál, G. Hullám, A.F. Semsei, G. Nagy, A. Falus, E. I. Buzás:
Lack of evidence for association of two functional SNPs of CHI3L1 gene(HC-gp39) with rheumatoid
arthritis, Rheumatology
International (Clinical and Experimental
Investigations), 2010
G. Hullám, P. Antal, Cs. Szalai, A. Falus: Evaluation of a Bayesian model-based approach in GA studies, JMLR Workshop
and Conference Proceedings, 2010
G. Hajós, P. Antal, Y.
Moreau, Cs. Szalai, A. Falus: Model-based SNP set selection in study design using a multilevel, sequential, Bayesian analysis of earlier data sets, The Second International Workshop on Machine Learning
in Systems Biology (MLSB08)
P. Antal, A.
Millinghoffer, Cs. Szalai, A.
Falus: On the Bayesian applicability of graphical models in genome-wide association studies, (MLSB09)
G. Hajós, P. Antal, Y.
Moreau, Cs. Szalai, A.
Falus: Variable Pruning in Bayesian Sequential
Study Design, (MLSB09)
P. Antal, P. Sárközy, Z.Balázs, P. Kiszel, A. Semsei, Cs. Szalai, A. Falus: Averaging over measurement
and haplotype uncertainty using probabilistic genotype data, (MLSB09)
Petra Sz. Kiszel, Ágnes F.
Semsei, Ildikó Ungvári, Adrienne Nagy, Márta Széll, Béla Melegh, Péter Kisfali,
Péter Antal, Gábor Hullám, András Falus, Csaba Szalai: Screening for susceptibility genes of asthma on chromosome 11 and 14, Allergy & Asthma Symposium: Bridging Innate and Adaptive Immunity, May 28-29, 2009 Bruges,
P.Antal, G. Hajós, G.Hullám, A.Millinghoffer Cs.Szalai and A. Falus: A bioinformatic platform for
a model-based, knowledge-rich
study design and Bayesian analysis of partial genome screening studies, Magyar Biokémiai Egyesület 2008. évi
Vándorgyűlése (Szeged, 2008. augusztus 31-szeptember 03.)
Csaba Szalai, Ágnes F. Semsei, Ildikó Ungvári, Petra Kiszel, Péter Antal,
András Falus: Investigation of the
genomic background of obesity using single nucleotide polymorphism analysis in
candidate genes, 2nd Central European Congress on Obesity, October 1-3,
2009, Budapest, Hungary
P.Antal, G. Hajós, G.Hullám, A.Millinghoffer Cs.Szalai and A. Falus: Adaptive Sequential Partial
Genome Screening Studies: a Case Study in Asthma,
Human Genome Variation
Society, Human Variome Project, Towards
Establishing Standards,
22nd May 2009, Vienna, Austria
P. Antal, H. Verrelst,
D. Timmerman, S. Van Huffel, B. De Moor, I. Vergote, Y. Moreau: Bayesian networks in ovarian cancer
diagnosis: potentials and limitations, 13th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems,
P. Antal, H. Verrelst,
D. Timmerman, S. Van Huffel, B. De Moor, I. Vergote: How
might we combine the information
we know about
a mass better? The use of mathematical models to handle
medical data, 1st Montecarlo Conference on updates in Gynaecology,
March 8-11, 2000, Monaco
P. Antal, G. Fannes, H. Verrelst, B. De Moor, J Vandewalle:
Incorporation of prior knowledge
in black-box models: Comparison of Transformation Methods from Bayesian Network to Multilayer Perceptrons,
in Working notes of the Fusion
of Domain Knowledge with
Data for Decision Support workshop, The Sixteenth
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-2000), June 30, 2000,
Stanford University, pp. 11-16
P. Antal, G. Fannes, S. Van Huffel, B. De Moor, J
Vandewalle: Bayesian
predictive models for Ovarian Cancer
Classification: evaluation
of Logistic Regression,
Multi Layer Perceptron and Belief Network models in the Bayesian
Context, Proc. Of the 10th Belgian-Dutch Conf. On Machine
BENELEARN2000, December 13, 2000, Tilburg University, pp. 125-132
P. Antal, G. Fannes, De Smet F., B. De Moor: Ovarian cancer classification
with rejection by Bayesian Belief
Networks, in Working Notes of the Bayesian Models
in Medicine workshop, the European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine (AIME'01), 8th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine, AIME'01, July 1-4,
2001, Cascais, Portugal, pp 23-27
P. Antal, T. Meszaros, B. De Moor, T. Dobrowiecki: Annotated
Bayesian networks: a tool to integrate
textual and probabilistic medical knowledge, Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2001), July
26-27, Bethesda, MD, pp. 177-182
P. Antal, T. Meszaros, D. Timmerman, B. De Moor, T. Dobrowiecki: Domain
knowledge based information retrieval langugae: an application of annotated Bayesian networks, Fifteenth IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2002), June
3-7, Maribor, Slovenia, pp 213-218
S. Aerts,
P. Antal, B. De Moor, Y. Moreau: Web-based data collection for ovarian cancer:
a case study, Fifteenth IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2002), June
3-7, Maribor, Slovenia, pp 282-287
P. Antal, P. Glenisson, G. Fannes, Y. Moreau, B. De Moor: On the potential of domain literature for clustering and Bayesian network learning, The Eighth ACM SIGKDD International Conference
on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM
SIGKDD), 2002, Edmonton, pp 405-414
P. Antal, G. Fannes, Y.
Moreau, B. De Moor: Using Domain Literature and Data to Annotate and Learn Bayesian Networks, 14th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(BNAIC'02), Leuven, 2002, pp 3-10
P. Antal, P. Glenisson, T. Boonefaes, P. Rottiers, Y. Moreau
Towards an integrated usage of
expression data and domain literature in gene clustering: representations and
methods, Internal report 01-69, 2001
P. Glenisson, P. Antal,
J. Mathys, Y. Moreau and B. De Moor: Evaluation of the vector space
representation in text-based gene clustering, Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
P.Antal, A.Millinghoffer:
Learning causal bayesian
networks from literature data, Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Global Research and Education, Inter-Academia'04, Budapest, 2004,
pages 149--160,
P.Antal, A.Millinghoffer: A probabilistic knowledge base using
annotated bayesian network features. In Proceedings of the 6th International
Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence,
P. Antal, A. Millinghoffer: Literature mining using Bayesian
networks. In Proc. of Third European Workshop on Probabilistic
Graphical Models, Prague, 2006. pp 17-24
A. Millinghoffer, G. Hullám, P.
A. Millinghoffer, G. Hullám, P. Antal: A probabilistic logic incorporating posteriors of hierarchic graphical models, in Working Notes of The Third Workshop on Combining Probability
and Logic (progic07),
Sept. 5-7, 2007, Kent, pp –
P. Antal, A.
Millinghoffer, G. Hullám, Cs. Szalai, A. Falus: A Bayesian View of Challenges in Feature Selection:
Feature Aggregation, Multiple Targets, Redundancy and Interaction,
ECML/PKDD, Workshop on New challenges for feature selection in data mining
and knowledge discovery 2008
(FSDM08), Antwerp, JMLR: Workshop
and Conference Proceedings
4, 74-89
P Antal, G Hajós, P Sárközy: Bayesian network based analysis in sequential partial
genome screening studies, MODGRAPH, June 8., 2009, Nantes, France
Hullám, P. Antal, Cs. Szalai, A.
Falus: Evaluation of methods
in GA studies: yet another case
for Bayesian network, Machine Learning in System Biology 2009 (MLSB09), Sept 5-6,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Proc.
of the Third International Workshop, 35-44
Department of Measurement and
Information Systems