function [Bm,Am,FIR]=parfiltidfr(W,Hin,Hout,p,NFIR,Wt); % PARFILTIDFR - System identification in the form of second-order parallel filters for a given % pole set in the frequency domain. % % [Bm,Am,FIRcoeff]=parfiltid(W,Hin,Hout,P,NFIR,Wt); identifies the second-order sections % [Bm,Am] and the coefficients of the FIR part (FIRcoeff) for a given % pole set P. The parameters are set such that when the input having % Hin transfer function given at W angular frequencies (in radians from 0 % to pi) is filtered by the parallel filter, it gives an output which is the closest % to the Hout transfer function in the LS sense. The number of taps in the parallel % FIR filter is set by NFIR. The default is NFIR=1, in this case FIRcoeff % is a simple gain. % If Wt weights are given, it means minimizing Wt*|Hparfilt-HOUT|^2. % % The Bm and Am matrices are containing the [b0 b1]' and [1 a0 a1]' % coefficients for the different sections in their columns. For example, % Bm(:,3) gives the [b0 b1]' parameters of the third second-order % section. These can be used by the filter command separatelly (e.g., by % y=filter(Bm(:,3),Am(:,3),x), or by the PARFILT command. % % Note that this function does not support pole multiplicity, so P should % contain each pole only once. % % This function is based on the paper % % Balázs Bank, "Logarithmic Frequency Scale Parallel Filter Design with Complex % and Magnitude-Only Specifications," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, % Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 138-141, Feb. 2011. % % % % C. Balazs Bank, 2007-2011. if nargin<5, NFIR=1; end; Weights=0; % is there a weighting vector? if nargin>5, Weights=1; end; p=p(find(p)); %we don't want to have any poles in the origin - for that we have the parallel FIR part for k=1:length(p), %making the filter stable by flipping the poles into the unit cirle if abs(p(k))>1 p(k)=1/conj(p(k)); end; end; p=cplxpair(p); %order it to complex pole pairs + real ones afterwards %in order to have second-order sections only (i.e., no first order) pnum=length(p); %number of poles ppnum=2*floor(pnum/2); %the even part of pnum ODD=0; if pnum>ppnum, %if pnum is odd ODD=1; end; Hin=Hin(:); %making them column vectors Hout=Hout(:); W=W(:); L=length(Hout); Z=exp(-j*W); %creating z^-1 Z2=Z.^2; %creating z^-2 %constructing the modeling signal matrix clear M; for k=1:2:ppnum-1, %second-order sections A=poly(p(k:k+1)).'; % constructing the denominator from the poles resp=1./(A(1)+A(2)*Z+A(3)*Z2); M(:,k)=resp.*Hin; M(:,k+1)=Z.*resp.*Hin; %the response delayed by one sample end; if ODD, %if the number of poles is odd, we have a first-order section A=poly(p(pnum)).'; % constructing the denominator resp=1./(A(1)+A(2)*Z); M(:,pnum)=resp.*Hin; end; for k=1:NFIR, %parallel FIR part M(:,pnum+k)=Z.^(k-1).*Hin; end; % weighting % in theory, we should construct a large diagonal matrix and multiply % WtM=diag(sqrt(Wt)); % M=WtM*M; % Hout=WtM*Hout; if Weights, % actually, we should just scale the rows of M and H - faster and eats less memory Wt=Wt(:); % making column vector siz=size(M); for k=1:siz(2), M(:,k)=M(:,k).*sqrt(Wt); end; Hout=Hout.*sqrt(Wt); end; %Looking for min(||H-M*par||) as a function of par: %least squares solution by equation solving % MR=[real(M); imag(M)]; % constructing the new real-valued modeling matrix % HR=[real(Hout); imag(Hout)]; % constructing the real-valued output % A=MR'*MR; % b=MR'*HR; % par=A\b; A=real(M'*M); % instead, we may do this, because it results in the same results b=real(M'*Hout); par=A\b; %constructing the Bm and Am matrices for k=1:ppnum/2, Am(:,k)=poly(p(2*k-1:2*k)).'; Bm(:,k)=par(2*k-1:2*k); end; if ODD, %we extend the first-order section to a second-order one by adding zero coefficients Am(:,k+1)=[poly(p(pnum)).'; 0]; Bm(:,k+1)=[par(pnum); 0]; end; FIR=0; %constructing the FIR part if NFIR>0, FIR=par(pnum+1:pnum+NFIR); end;