Curriculum Vitae


Name: András Görgényi
Place and date of birth: Budapest, January 8, 1940
Address: H-1124 Budapest, Tamási Áron u. 32.
Status: married (two children)

Affiliation: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems - since 1963 (current rank: senior lecturer)

Mail address: 1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok körútja 2.
Phone: +36-1-463-4116
Diploma and degrees:

Knowledge of languages: Reading professional literature in English and German languages.

Professional activity:
Teaching, lectures:
Since 1963 Electronic instruments, Electronic circuits, Technics of Pulses, Electronic measurements.
1959 - 1977: Development of analog and hybrid computers.
1964 - 1980 Development of AC and DC measuring bridges.
Many times: Designing special electronic supply units.
From 1980: Development of different testing instruments.
Since 1982: Fully programmable insulated EEG- and ECG-amplifiers.
Measuring electronic circuits for A to D and D to A converters (e.g. linear CCD camera electronics).
Special power amplifiers with either voltage or current output.
Infra-red gas analysers.
Currently: in motion measurement of railway wheels for the purpose of error detection.