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Tamás Kovácsházy's Home Page

This picture was taken in 1994 for my Registration Book of University Studies. For a more up-to-date picture visit my official page at the department.
Address Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
(formerly known as Technical University of Budapest)
Department of Measurement and Information Systems
Magyar Tudósok Körútja 2, Bldg. I, wing E, level III, Room E333
Budapest 1117
E-mail khazy@mit.bme.hu
Phone (+36) 1 4634372 (rings on my desk)
(+36) 1 4632057 (secretariat)
Hungarian Page/Magyar Nyelvû Lap Ugyan ez a lap magyar nyelven.
The hungarian version of this page.
Some info for the general public about khazy.

Who is khazy?

It is a good (but actually a wrong) idea to start here for the general public. 
Some stuff for students at TUB.

For students

I have to take part in the education activities of BUTE-DMIS (BME-MIT). I would like to do it as usefull and as painless as possible for both myself and for the students.
Ph.D. status report.

My research activities.

The stuff I work on.
The publications I contributed to

Publications I contributed to

It is the only way of sharing my ideas with the genreral public. Nearly all are copyrighted, so take care. 
My CV.

Formal CV of Tamás Kovácsházy.

It is a quite long and boring story about my education and experiences. 
It is only for Human Resource Managers and other determined people.
My favorite links.

My favorite links

No comment, you can follow them, if you want.
My hobbies.

My life without computers.

Yes, even a working ( properly functioning ) computer ( As rare as white ravens. ) is enough for me to waste some time (For example, while I prepared these WWW pages.) but there are other things in life. 

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Last modified :  Fri Feb 25 2011 10:25:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)