Intelligent system supervision (VIMIA370)
Course syllabus: PDF (updated on 2013.03.14.)
Solution to the Python script exercise:
An openSUSE virtual machine with an LDAP server can be downloaded from this folder.
- There is a detailed README in the archive file, with the login information.
- The arcive file can be decompressed with 7-zip, the virtual machine is in the format of VMware Player/Workstation.
Home assignments
- Home assignment 1: download PDF.
The script should be submitted in a ZIP file in an email to the lecturer.
Deadline: 2013.04.09. 23:59
- Home assignment 2: download PDF.
The script should be submitted in a ZIP file in an email to the lecturer.
Deadline: 2013.05.02. 23:59
There will be an oral exam for the course. You can apply for an exam in the NEPTUN system.
All exams will be in the IB.417 room.
Exam dates:
- 2013.06.05 15:00
- 2013.06.12 15:00
- 2013.06.19 15:00
Last modified: 2013. 05. 30.