Curriculum Vitae


István Zoltán was born in Miskolc, Hungary, in 1946. He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, in 1971, and the Candidate of Sciences (PhD) degree from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1987.

Currently, he is Associate Professor with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. His research activity is focused on self-calibrating, self-correcting instruments, including instrument transformer calibration, artificial impedances and impedance analysis. He is co-author of the book Technology of Electrical Measurements (New York: Wiley, 1993). He is author of the book Measurement (Budapest: MK, 1997)

Dr. Zoltán was Hungarian delegate of IMEKO TC4 between 1985 and 2005. He has been Senior Member of the IEEE Hungary Section for four years and the Vice President of the Association of Hungarian Inventors for sixteen years. He won the �Jedlik Ányos Award� in 2004.

Present occupation:

Position:           associate professor

Company:         Budapest University of Technology and Economics

                        Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

                        Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems

Address:           Magyar tudósok krt. 2.

City:                 Budapest

Postal code:      1117

Country:           Hungary

Phone:              +36 1 463 2057

Fax:                  +36 1 463 4112



Scientific degrees:

Dr. Univ. (from the Technical University of Budapest), 1978.

Candidate of Sciences (the second top degree that can be obtained from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by a thesis and examinations), 1987.


Educational Activities:

Lectures: Measurement Technology (in English), Messtechnik (in German)

Laboratory Classes: Measurement Technology, Design and Construction of Instruments

Supervising: graduate and postgraduate students


Research Fields:

Current, voltage and impedance measurement

Calibration of  instrument transformers

Standard current transformers

Artificial impedances

Self-calibrating, self-correcting instruments


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Research Contracts:

Development of calibration instruments, standards and analyzers. National Committee for Technological Development, 1991-93.


Scholarships, scientific activity abroad:

1985 one month work at the TETTEX AG, Zurich, Switzerland

1986 one month work at the TETTEX AG, Zurich, Switzerland

1993 one month scholarship at the TU Karlsruhe, Germany

1994 one month guest researcher at the PTB Braunschweig, Germany