Ákos JOBBÁGY, PhD, DSc, full professor
Personal data: Born: Kecskemét, 1950. Married, two children.
Graduation: from Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 1975.
Postgraduate diploma in R & D, from BME, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 1976.
Doctor technicus (from BME, based on thesis work and examinations), 1978.
Candidate of Sciences (the second top degree that can be obtained from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by a thesis and examinations; its value approximately corresponds to a PhD degree): 1994. Topic: Marker Centre Estimation in Passive Marker Based Motion Analysis.
Doctor of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (based on thesis work), 2007. Title of the thesis work: Early Diagnosis and Objective Assessment of Patients with Neural and Cardiovascular Diseases.
Languages: English fluent; German spoken, basic Russian.
Affiliation: 1976- BME, Department of Measurement and Information Systems
Presently: full professor
Research fields:
Biomedical Engineering (Bioinstrumentation, Marker based motion analysis, Quantification of patients' actual state based on movement pattern analysis, Indirect Blood Pressure Measurement, Home health monitoring)
Courses in Hungarian and in English on Electronic circuits, Electronic equipment, Biomedical instrumentation, Electronic measuring equipment.
Supervising about 100 students’ BSc and MSc theses, 9 PhD students.
Most important research results:
Joint research with Delft University of Technology: Accuracy analysis of passive marker-based motion analysis
OMFB (Hungarian National Committee for Technological Development):
Passive marker-based movement analysis
Long-term evaluation of movement patterns of rats (with Semmelweis University of Medicine)
OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund):
Noise analysis in motion analysis
Objective assessment of movement coordination disorders
Home monitoring of physiological state
Modelling of arterial blood flow
OTKA - NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research): Development of signal processing algorithms to compensate the non-ideal projection in passive marker-based motion analysis
FKFP (Fund for Hungarian Higher Education): Development of a patient simulator.
GVOP (Economic Competitiveness Operational Programme): Home health monitoring.
Publications: about 80 scientific papers in English, 40 in Hungarian.
Detailed list: https://vm.mtmt.hu//search/slist.php?nwi=1&inited=1&ty_on=1&url_on=1&cite_type=2&orderby=3D1a&location=mtmt&stn=1&AuthorID=10001252
Scholarships, scientific activity abroad:
1984 One month, visiting scholar at University of Karlsruhe, Fed. Republic of Germany
1991 One year scholarship at Delft University of Technology as a research fellow
1998-2001 four years, Széchenyi scholarship for Hungarian professors
József Nádor Prize, 2018
Honorary Life Member of IFMBE
Pro Juventute
Universitatis Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, 2015
Pro Universitate
Semmelweis University of Medicine, 2015
Award of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, 2009
Award of the IEEE Hungary Section, 2009
Zoltán Katona Award (nr. 16), 2008
Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic, Knight Cross, 2008
Kruspér István Prize, 2000
Rector's award, 1994
Outstanding Work, Ministry of Education 1989
Memberships, Functions:
AC member: 2015 - 2018
IFMBE AC member, 2006 - 2012
of the National Secretaries’ Committee of IFMBE (International Federation of
Medical and Biological Engineering), 2003 – 2006, co-chair: 2006 – 2009
Chair of the IFMBE Membership Committee, 2015 - 2018
Chair of IEEE Hungarian Section, Joint Chapter in Instrumentation and Measurement & Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2001 - 2010
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): member since 1994, senior member 2003-2015.
Hungarian member of TC13 (Technical Committee No. 13 on Biomedical Engineering) of IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation) since 1995, secretary 2005-2011.
President of the Biomedical Engineering Section of the Hungarian Scientific Society for Measurement and Automation, since 2003 (secretary 1993-2003).
of Education (deputy vice-rector) at Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, 1998-2012.
rector for education at Budapest University of Technology and Economics:
Member of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee, 2012 – 2018.
Member of scientific committee of several biomedical engineering conferences.