Recent publications in journals and books can be found in the BME Publication Database
P. Antal, T. Mészáros, B. De Moor, T.P. Dobrowiecki, "Annotated Bayesian Networks: a Tool to Integrate Textual and Probabilistic Medical Knowledge", 14th IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER-BASED MEDICAL SYSTEMS (CBMS) 26-27 July, 2001, Bethesda, Maryland [PDF]
Tamás Mészáros, Zsolt Barczikay, Ferenc Bodon, Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki, György Strausz, "Building an Information and Knowledge Fusion System", IEA/AIE-2001 The Fourteenth International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, June 4-7, 2001, Budapest, Hungary [PDF]
Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki, György Strausz, Tamás Mészáros, "Knowledge Fusion for Financial Advisory Systems", The 7th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsystem Technology, Baltic Electronics Conference, BEC 2000, October 8-11, 2000 Tallinn, Estonia [PDF]
Tamás Mészáros, Zsolt Barczikay, "Using XML in Intelligent Product Manuals", The 7th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsys tem Technology, Baltic Electronics Conference, BEC 2000, October 8-11, 2000 Tallinn, Estonia [PDF]
Z. Barczikay, T. Mészáros: "Implementing XML-based Product Manuals", Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2000, INES 2000, Portoroz, Slovenia, September 17-19, 2000. [PDF]
Somogyi, Cs.; Mészáros, T.; Tóth, A.; Arz, G.; Bártfai, Z.: Hybrid diagnostic system for machine tools, Gépészet 2000, Proceedings of Second Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ed. K. Molnár, Gy. Ziaja, G. Vörös, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 963 699 117 0, May 25-26, 2000, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, pp 303-307
Vargha, B.; Dobrowiecki, T.P.; Mészáros, T.: Supporting Measurement via Global Computer Network, poster, High Speed Networking’99 AUTUMN workshop, Budapest, Hungary, November 29-30, 1999 [poster] [PDF]
Mészáros, T.; Tóth, A.; Arz, G.: Web-based Intelligent Product Manuals, Proceedings of the Hypertexts and Hypermedia Products, Tools, Methods Conference, H2PTM99, Paris, September 23-24, 1999, [abstract], [paper]
Mészáros, T.; Tóth, A.; Arz, G.; Markovics, R.: Intelligent product life-cycle support using manuals, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, H. Van Brussel and P. Valckenaers (Eds.), ISBN 90-73802-69-5, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, September 22-24, 1999, pp 477-486
T. P. Dobrowiecki; I. Zoltán, A.M. Ribeiro Franco, G. Martins da Rocha: T. Mészáros: Supporting Measurement via the Global Computer Network, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Workshop on Emerging Technologies, EMTECH99, Venice, Italy - May 20, 1999, pp. 46-51 [abstract], [paper]
T. P. Dobrowiecki; T. Mészáros: A Tutorial on Intelligent Systems in Global Network Environment - The Measurement Perspective, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Workshop on Emerging Technologies, EMTECH99, Venice, Italy - May 20, 1999, pp. 1-9. [abstract], [paper]
Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki, Tamás Mészáros, "Measuring Systems in the Age of Global Computer Networks", International Metrological Seminar, Rzeszów, Poland, October 26-28, 1998 [abstract], [paper not available]
Gusztáv Arz, András Tóth, Tamás Mészáros, Róbert Markovics, Norbert Gonda, "Intelligent Product Manual for Machine Tools", Proceedings of the XIIIth Conference and Exhibition on Machine Tools, Section D, Miskolc, Hungary, October 26-28, 1998, pp. 50-55 [abstract], [paper]
Tamás Mészaros, Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki, "The Role of Emotions in Multi-Agent Systems" Proc. of the HUNABC'98 First Hungarian National Conference on Agent Based Computing, Budapest, Hungary, May 29-31, 1998 [abstract], [paper]
Tamás Mészaros and Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki, "Teamwork in Intelligent Measurement Systems," Proc. of the 1997 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Sept 15-17, 1997 Budapest, pp. 221-225 [abstract], [paper]
Tamás Mészaros and Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki, "Intelligent Measurement Control (Using Agents in Measurement Systems)," Automation 2001 Workshop, Vienna, June 12-14, 1997 [abstract], [paper]
Mészáros, T., Román, Gy, "Qualitative Models of Physical Systems - A Survey", TEMPUS S_JEP 07759-945-Modify Symposium on System Modelling, Fault Diagnosis and Fuzzy Logic and Control, May 6-10, 1997, Miskolc, Hungary [abstract], [paper]
Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki, Frank Louage and Tamás Mészáros, "Expert Systems in Measurement - From Smart Devices to Internet Agents," X Polish National Conference, Application of Microprocessors in Automatic Control and Measurement, Warsaw, October 17-18, 1996 [paper not available]
Tadeusz P. Dobrowiecki, Frank Louage, Tamás C. Mészáros, Gyula Román and Béla Pataki, "Will measurement instruments turn into agents ?", IMTC/96 Joint Conference: IEEE Instrumnetation & Measurement Technology Conference - IMEKO TC-7, Brussels, June 4-6, 1996, pp. 1365-1368 [abstract], [paper]
Mészáros, T. "An Extension to the RETE Match Algorithm: Supporting both Forward and Backward Chaining", TEMPUS JEP3815, Budapest, Hungary, 1994 [abstract], [paper]
Mészáros Tamás, Vadász Balázs: "A Rete Match algoritmus bővítése: az előre és hátrafele láncoló következtetés támogatása (Extending the RETE Match Algorithm: Forward and Backward Chaining)", Kandó Kálmán Műszaki Főiskola, XIV. Tudományos Ülésszak, 1994 [abstract], [paper]
Benyó, Fék, Kiss, Kóczy, Kondorosi, Mészáros, Román, Szeberényi, Sziray, "Operációs rendszerek mérnöki megközelítésben" (Operating Systems from Engineering Perspective, in Hungarian), Panem Kft., Budapest, ISBN 963545250-0, 2000 []
T. Mészáros (ed.), Béla Lakatos, László Győrfi, "Chapter 3, Qualitaitve Modelling of Dynamic Systems", in Modelling of Dynamic Systems, textbook, TEMPUS S_JEP 07759/94 - MODIFY, Miskolc, Hungary, 1997. [only available as draft paper]
Mészáros Tamás, "Dokumentum elemzési és keresési módszerek" (Document analysis and retrieval), BME MIT technical report, 2001
T. Mészáros, P. Antal, "DocMan: A Document Analysis and Management System", BME MIT and KU Leuven, technical report, 2000
Tamás Mészáros, "Multi-agent model of Information Retrieval", BME MIT technical report, 2000
Tamás Mészáros, "Distributed Agent Infrastructure - An Overview", BME MIT technical report, 1999