Environment for model-based rigorous adaptive co-design and operation of CPS
- Acronym: EMBrACE
- Year: 2020–2022
- Type: EU ITEA4
- Role: site leader
- Web: Link
The EMBrACE project developed a new requirement modeling language (CRML) and modeling environment for cyber-physical systems. We developed state-based verification components and bindings, and worked on connecting the new SysMLv2 language to CRML.

Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions
- Acronym: Arrowhead Tools
- Year: 2019–2022
- Type: EU H2020 ECSEL
- Role: Co-PI
- Web: Link
The Arrowhead Tools project developed tools chains and workflows supporting the Arrowhead IoT framework. We developed formal verification components for embedded code, a SysML profile, and a verification workflow.

Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future CPS
- Acronym: ADVANCE
- Year: 2019–2023
- Type: EU H2020 RISE
- Role: site leader
- Web: Link
The ADVANCE project is a research exchange project, where partners work on V&V of cyber-physical systems. We developed new methods to test modeling language, especially focusing on assessing their semantics.

Safety Science and Technology Competence Center
- Acronym: 2019.1.3.1-KK-2019-00004
- Year: 2020–2022
- Type: KK (national)
- Role: Co-PI
The Competence Center is a joint project with four major enterprises to create new innovative technologies for safety-critical domains. We work with thyssenkrupp to develop methods that can help designing and verifying automotive systems more efficiently.

Model Checking as a Service
MCaaS is an industrial collaboration with IncQuery Group and NASA JPL. We created a cloud-based environment that can verify SysML State Machines using hidden model checkers.

Previous projects
- Year: 2006–2017
- Type: EU FP6/FP7
- Role: contributor
I was a researcher and task leader working on the R5-COP, R3-COP, SecureChange, HIDENETS, ReSIST international collaborative projects.