Assoc. Prof. Dr. András Pataricza

Technical University of Budapest
Department of Measurement and Instrument Engineering
H-1502 Budapest
Muegyetem rkp. 9. R. 113.

Tel: (+361) 463 3595
Fax: (+361) 463 4112
  • Diploma in electrical engineering in 1977 from the Technical University of Budapest.
  • "Candidate of the technical science" (Ph.D.) from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1989.

Since 1977 with the Department of Measurement and Instrument Engineering of the Technical University of Budapest, since 1990 as associate professor.
Head of the Research Group for Fault-Tolerant Systems.
In 1993-94 visiting professor at the University Erlangen.

Scientific research projects
Hungarian project leader of the following international cooperations: Project (co-)leader of the following academic research projects
  • "Intelligent algorithms for fault diagnostics in digital systems" (1992-95, Hungarian National Scientific Research Foundation ),
  • "Formal methods for high level functional fault diagnostics"; (1995-97, Hungarian National Scientific Research Foundation ).
  • "Use of Simulation Techniques in Fault-Tolerant and Mission-Critical Traffic Control Systems " (1997, Foundation for the Hungarian Higher Education and Research);
  • " Formal Verification and Validation of Mission-Critical Systems" (1997-99, Higher Education Research Fund);
  • " HIDE;
Principal investigator in by about twenty more academic and industrial research projects, mostly on the field of fault-tolerant computing and digital systems testing.

Education development projects
  • TEMPUS-SJEP 3815/93 Introduction of Modern CAD Methods
  • Introducing Parallel Processing into the Curriculum of the Hungarian Higher Education Institutions of Technology (EC TEMPUS SJEP 08333-94, 1994-97)
  • Development and Integration of the Informatics Education in the Member Institutions of the Budapest University Association (EC TEMPUS-SJEP 11199-96, 360 kECU, 1996-99) aims at the development of the modules in the System Informatics Education, in cooperation with FAU Erlangen (Germany),PDCC Pisa (Italy), U. of Padernborn (Germany), U. of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Budapest University of Economic Sciencesand the University of Veterinary Science.
  • Development of the System Informatics Education in the Member Institutions of the Budapest University Association (FEFA 1374, 1994-96, 64 MFt)
  • Step 2000 (EC Leonardo da Vinci, 1997-98}, organizing student mobilities.
  • Seneca-DB (EC Leonardo da Vinci, 1997-98}

  • PC member at IEEE FTCS-28, and IEEE FTCS-27 IEEE Annual International Symposiums on Fault-Tolerant Computing;
  • Program Co-Chair of EDCC-3, the Third European Dependable Computing Conference to be held 1999 in Prague
  • PC member at ISADS, International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, to be held 1999 in Tokyo
  • PC member of the Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Systems Workshop Series (DDECS '97 and DDECS'98 )
  • PC member at EWDC-9, the Ninth European Workshop on Dependable Computing (1998)
  • PC member and session chairman at the IEEE SRDS-14 Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems.
  • PC member of the EDCC-2 Second European Dependable Computing Conference and
  • PC member at European Simulation Symposium 1995
  • PC member at FTSD (Fault Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics) conference series.
  • Program chairman of the conference µP'92, Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Application.
  • General chairman of the same conference in 1994.
  • Regular referee of EUROMICRO and of the periodical " Periodica Polytechnica" and by the IEEE FTCS, Annual International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing series. , occasional referee by the IEEE Transactions on Computers, by a GI/ITG/GMA Conference "Fault Tolerant Computing Systems "