SAFO - Small Air Forces Observer

Magazine of Small Air Forces Clearing House.
About subscription I cite from the magazine:
SMALL AIR FORCES OBSERVER (USPS 439-450) is published 
quarterly for $10.00 per year by the SMALL Air Forces 
Clearing House, 27965 Berwick Dr., Carmel, CA 93923. 
Second classpostage paid at Carmel Valley, CA 93923. 
POSTMASTER: send address changes to Small Air Forces 
Clearing House 27965 Berwick Dr., Carmel, CA 93923

SAFO is distributed in England by Midland Counties 
Publications, Unit 3 Maizefield, Hinckley Fields Trading 
Estate, Hinckley, Leics. LE10 1YF, and in the Netherlands 
by Luchtvaart Hobby Shop, Kruisweg 4, 1436 CC Aalsmeerderburg.


For more see  SAFCH Official Home Page.