I'm a tenured associate professor leading the Critical Systems Research Group.
Our group develops new methods and tools to help engineers create more reliable software systems.

Associate Professor, PhD
Bio: Zoltán Micskei received the MSc and PhD degree in software engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2005 and 2013. He is currently an associate professor at the same university, leading the Critical Systems Research Group. His research interests include software testing and model-based engineering with a focus on empirical studies. He was the site leader at his university of the H2020 ADVANCE and ITEA3 EMBrACE projects. He served as the general co-chair for DISC’19, as a PC member for various international conferences (ER, ICTSS, HASE...), and as an external reviewer for international journals. He was a visiting researcher at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse. He published his results in leading venues (TSE, STVR, SoSyM, IST, ICST...). A publication he co-authored won the Most Influential Regular Paper award for the SoSyM journal in 2021. He received the Kalmár Award from NJSZT in 2021. He is member of the Hungarian Young Academy, and a Senior Member of ACM.
Zoltán Micskei
- H-1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., Building I, Room B.419.
- + 36 1 463-3594
- micskei.zoltan AT vik.bme.hu
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
2005 - 2008
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Dissertation: “Languages and frameworks for specifying test artifacts”, 2013
Master of Science (MSc) (with honor)
2000 - 2005
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Software Engineering program, Fault-tolerant Systems specialization
Professional Experience
Associate Professor
2017 - Present
- Deputy Head of the Dept. of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering (MIT) (2022-)
- Leader of the Critical Systems Research Group (2019-)
- Coordinator of the Systems Engineering Specialization (BSc) (2018-)
Assistant professor
2013 - 2017
- Leading and teaching several BSc and MSc level courses
- Working on software testing and verification related research projects
2009 - 2013
- Teaching broad spectrum of undergraduate and graduate courses
- Working on EU research projects (HIDENETS, RESIST)
Research areas and tools
My main area is software and systems engineering, specializing in software testing and model-based engineering.
My goal is to produce advanced, but practical testing and verification tools.
I favor empirical research methods and open science principles.
Software testing tools
AutoIsolator (isolating dependencies for test generation [IST'20]); SETTE (evaluating test generators [STVR'17); SEViz (visualizing symbolic execution [ICST'15 Tool])
Past activities
Robustness testing of HA middleware [RAE'12]; Model-based regression testing [SDL'17]
Selected publications
R&D projects
I was a site leader in several international R&D projects (EU H2020, ITEA).
I enjoy direct collaborations with industry partners.
- All
- International
- National
- Industry
Workplaces of past students include: CERN, Meta, thyssenkrupp, Bosch, Ericsson, Morgan Stanley, MSCI.
I have 15+ years of teaching experience and have developed and taught several undergraduate and graduate courses (details).
Previous courses
Formal Methods, Measurement laboratory 4., Virtualization technologies…
H-1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., Building I, Room B.419.
micskei.zoltan AT vik.bme.hu
+ 36 1 463-3594