Publications |
Péter Szántó, András Széll, Béla Fehér: Accelerating SOLiD short read assembly with GPU (download PDF)
Many-Core and Reconfigurable Supercomputing Conference 2010 22-24. March 2010., Rome, Italy
| Péter Szántó, Béla Fehér, Attila Bérces: Accelerating Virtual Screening of Compound Libraries (download PDF)
Many-Core and Reconfigurable Supercomputing Conference 2009 March 25th - 26th, 2009, Berlin, Germany
| Péter Szántó, Gábor Szedő, Béla Fehér: High Performance Timing-Driven Rank Filter (download PDF) Péter Szántó, Gábor Szedő, Béla Fehér: High Performance Timing-Driven Rank Filter (download PDF)
13. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems December 10-13., 2006., Nizza, France
| Péter Szántó, Gábor Szedő, Béla Fehér: Implementing 2D Median Filter in FPGA (download PDF)
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Mechanical Series journal
| Péter Szántó, Gábor Szedő, Béla Fehér: Implementing 2D Median Filter in FPGA (download PDF)
7. International Carpathian Control Confrence (ICCC 2006) May 29-31., 2006., Ostrava, Czeh Republic
| Péter Szántó, Béla Fehér: Scalable Rasterizer Unit (download PDF)
Third Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry November 17-18., 2005., Budapest, Hungary
| Péter Szántó, Béla Fehér: Exact Bucket Sorting for Segmented Screen Rendering (download PDF)
GSPx 2005 October 24-27., 2005., Santa Clara, California, USA
| Péter Szántó, János Lazányi, Béla Fehér: Efficient Multi-Channel FIR Filters in FPGA (download PDF)
International Carpathian Control Conference 2005 May 24-27., 2005., Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary
| Péter Szántó: Efficient and Scalable 3D Rendering Architecture (download PDF)
DATE 2005 EDAA PhD Forum March 7-11., 2005., Munich, Germany
| Péter Szántó, Béla Fehér: High Performance Visibility Testing with Screen Segmentation (download PDF)
ESTIMedia 2004 (Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia) September 6-7., 2004., Stockholm, Sweden
| Péter Szántó, Béla Fehér: 3D Rendering using FPGAs (download PDF)
-VLSI-SOC 2003 - International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration December 1-3., 2003., Darmstadt, Germany
| Péter Szántó, Béla Fehér: Implementing a Programmable Pixel Pipeline in FPGAs (download PDF)
Second Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry June 30.-July 1., 2003., Budapest, Hungary