Tamás István
Ph.D. student
Student Member of IEEE (elected)
Member of IEICE
Member of MATE
CV(eng) in
Teaching in Hungarian:
Mérés laboratórium 3.
tervezése VIMM5157
feladat segédletek
• international conference proceedings: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
[6] [7] [8] [9] [12] [13] [14] [15] [19] [20] [21]
• invited talks: [11] [16]
• bookchapters: [10]
• international referred journal papers: [17]
• international electronic publications: [18]
[1] T. Krébesz, G. Kolumbán, C. K. Tse, and F. C. M. Lau. FCC-compliant operation of
low-rate UWB impulse radio applying multiple pulses per bit. In Proc. NOLTA'10, page under
review, Krakow, Poland, Sep 05-08 2010.
[2] G. Kolumbán, T. Krébes, F. C. M. Lau, and C. K. Tse. Radio coverage extension of the
FCC-compliant low-rate uwb networking devices. In Proc. NOLTA'10, page under review,
Krakow, Poland, Sep 05-08 2010.
[3] G. Kolumbán, T. Krébesz, and F. C. M. Lau. Feasibility of UWB radio: Impulse radio
versus chaos-based approach. In Proc. ISCAS'10, Paris, France, May 30-June 02 2010.
[4] G. Kolumbán, T. Krébesz, C. K. Tse, and F. C. M. Lau. Derivation of circuit specifcation
for the uwb impulse radio transceivers. In Proc. ISCAS'10, Paris, France, May 30-June 02
[5] T. Krébesz, G. Kolumbán, F. C. M. Lau, and C. K. Tse. Performance improvement of
autocorrelation detector used in uwb impulse radio. In Proc. ISCAS'10, Paris, France,
May 30-June 02 2010.
[6] T. Krébesz, G. Kolumbán, F. C. M. Lau, and C. K. Tse. Gated threshold compensated
noncoherent PPM receiver for uwb impulse radio. In Proc. ISCAS'10, Paris, France,
May 30-June 02 2010.
[7] T. Krébesz. UWB Impulse Radio with Gated Treshold Compensated PPM Receiver.
In Proc. 17th PhD, Mini-Symposium, pages 8-11 , Budapest, Hungary, February 1 2010.
[8] T. Krébesz, G. Kolumbán, F. C. M. Lau, and C. K. Tse. Performance improvement of
UWB autocorrelation receivers by minimizing the energy capture time. In Proc. ICECS'09,
Hammamet, Tunisia, December 13-16 2009.
[9] T. Krébesz, G. Kolumbán, F. C. M. Lau, and C. K. Tse. Improving the noise performance
of energy detector based UWB systems by optimizing the receiver parameters. In Proc.
ISCIT'09, Inscheon, Koreaa, September 28-30 2009.
G. Kolumbán and T. Krébesz. Chaotic
communications with autocorrelation receiver:
Modeling, theory and performance limits. In L. Kocarev, Z. Galias, and
S. Lian, editors,
Intelligent Computing Based on Chaos, volume 184, pages
121–142. Springer, Berlin, 2009.
T. Krébesz. Application of gaussian impulses and chaotic
signals in ultra wideband com-
munications. Invited talk at Seminar Series on Chaos, Control and
Complex Networks,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and City University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong /
China, March 13 2009.
T. Krébesz. Quasi coherent detection algorithm for uwb
impulse radio. In Proc. 16th PhD
Mini-Symposium, pages 36–39, Budapest, Hungary, February 2
T. Krébesz and G. Kolumbán. A new, near-coherent
detector configuration for UWB
impulse radio. In Proc. NOLTA’08, pages 636–639,
Budapest, Hungary, September 7–10
G. Kolumbán, T. Krébesz, F. C. M. Lau, and C. K.
Tse. A mathematical approach to
derive optimum detector configurations for UWB radio applications. In
Proc. NOLTA’08,
pages 716–719, Budapest, Hungary, September 7–10
T. Krébesz. Ultra wideband low rate communications in
embedded applications: A chaos
based approach. In Proc. 15th PhD Mini-Symposium, pages
70–71, Budapest, Hungary,
February 4–5 2008.
[16] G.
Kolumbán and T. Krébesz. LR-WPAN and UWB data
communication systems: A new
possible application for chaotic carriers. In Proc. NOMA’07,
pages 32–35, invited talk,
University de Toulouse, LATTIS–INSA Toulouse, France,
December 13–14 2007.
G. Kolumbán and T. Krébesz. UWB radio: Digital
communication with chaotic and impulse
wavelets. IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications
and Computer
Sciences, E90-A(10):2248–2249, October 2007.
G. Kolumbán and T. Krébesz. Optimum carrier for
uwb radio: Impulse radio versus chaotic
carrier. IEEE CAS Society Newsletter, 1(4), August 2007.
G. Kolumbán and T. Krébesz. Digital communication
with chaotic and impulse wavelets.
In Proc. SEFI-IGIP’07, pages 403–404, Miskolc,
Hungary, July 1–4 2007.
[20] G.
Kolumbán and T. Krébesz. UWB radio: A real chance
for application of chaotic com-
munications. In Proc. NOLTA’06, pages 475–478,
Bologna, Italy, September 11–14 2006.
[21] G.
Kolumbán, T. Krébesz, and M. Bálint.
Noncoherent UWB impulse radio and FM-DCSK:
What makes them different. In Proc. NDES’06, pages
93–96, Dijon, France, June 6–9 2006.
