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A naprakész publikációs listám itt található.





My academic dissertation (in English)


My PhD dissertation (in English)


A disszertációm rövid összefoglalója (magyarul) 





Várkonyi P.L., The secret of gambling with irregular dice: estimating the face statistics of polyhedra. Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, accepted for publication. A preliminary version has been published as an extended abstract at the EuroCG 2014 workshop, 03-05/03/2014, Ein Gedi, Israel (2014).



Várkonyi P L Estimating part pose statistics with application to industrial parts feeding and shape design: new metrics, algorithms, simulation experiments and datasets. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 11 658-667 (2014).



Varkonyi P.L., Neutrally Floating Objects of Density 1/2 in Three Dimensions.

STUDIES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS 130:(3) pp. 295-315 (2013)
(PDF) (link to published paper)



Várkonyi P L, Gontier D, Burdick J W, On the Lyapunov stability of quasistatic planar biped robots, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012. St. Paul, pp. 63-70 (2012)


Várkonyi P. L., Laity J., Formation of features on ventifacts: modeling the role of rebounding sand grains. Accepted by Geomorphology



Varkonyi P L, Gontier D, Burdick J W,Stabilization of rigid bodies with frictional supports against dynamic perturbations.

In: Proc. of 15th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2011. Poprad, Slovakia, pp. 281-286. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-8954-1)



Benson RBJ, Domokos G, Varkonyi PL, Reisz RR, Shell geometry and habitat determination in extinct and extant turtles (Reptilia: Testudinata). PALEOBIOLOGY 37:(4) pp. 547-562. (2011)


Tarcai N, Virágh Cs, Ábel D, Nagy M, Várkonyi P L, Vásárhelyi G, Vicsek T

Patterns, transitions and the role of leaders in the collective dynamics of a simple robotic flock.

Journal of Statistical MechanicsTheory and Experiment p. P04010. (2011)



Várkonyi P. L., Communication and collective consensus making in animal groups via mechanical interactions , J. Nonlinear Science 21: pp. 387-401. (2011)

(preprint). (The final publication is available at


Várkonyi P. L., Domokos G., A general model for collision-based abrasion processes. IMA J. Appl. Math. 76:(1) pp. 47-56. (2011)


Domokos G., Sipos A., Szabó T., Várkonyi P., Pebbles, Shapes, and Equilibria, Math Geosci 42: 29–47 (2010)

DOI 10.1007/s11004-009-9250-4


Domokos G., Sipos A. Á., Szabó Gy. M., Várkonyi P. L., Formation of sharp edges and planar areas of asteroids by polyhedral abrasion, Astrophysical Journal 699 L13-L16 (2009).

(manuscript PDF on arxiv) (ApJL article)


Várkonyi P.L., Floating body problems in two dimensions, Studies in Applied Mathematics 122, 195-218 (2009)



Várkonyi P. L., Kiemel T., Hoffman K., Cohen A., Holmes P.,On the derivation and tuning of phase oscillator models for lamprey central pattern generators, J. Computational. Neuroscience 25, 245-261 (2008)  

(PDF) (published simulation codes)


Varkonyi P.L., Holmes P., On synchronization and traveling waves in chains of relaxation oscillators with an application to lamprey CPG, SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Systems 7,  766-794 (2008)



G. Domokos, P.L. Várkonyi, Geometry and self-righting of turtles, Proc. R. Soc. London B 275, 11–17 (2008)

(PDF) (PRSB website)


Várkonyi P.L., Sipos A., Domokos G., Szerkezettervezés az interneten- egy gépi algoritmus gyorsítási lehetőségei. Építés és Építészettudomány, 34, 271-279 (2008).


Várkonyi P.L., Domokos G., Imperfect symmetry: a new approach to structural optima via group representation theory, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44  4723–4741 (2007).



Várkonyi P.L., Domokos G. Static equilibria of rigid bodies: dice, pebbles and the Poincare-Hopf Theorem. J. Nonlinear Sci.,  Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 255 – 281, (2006).
(PDF) (The final publication is available at  

Várkonyi P.L., Meszéna G., Domokos G. Emergence of asymmetry in evolution. Theor. Pop. Biol., Vol 70, pp. 63-75 (2006)


Várkonyi P.L., Domokos G., Mono-monostatic bodies: The Answer to Arnold’s question. Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 28/4, 34-38 (2006).



P.Baranyi, Z. Petres, P. L. Varkonyi, P. Korondi, Y. Yam, Determination of Different Polytopic Models of the Prototypical Aeroelastic Wing Section by TP Model Transformation, J. Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 10/4, 486-493 (2006)



Várkonyi P.-Domokos G. Symmetry, optima and bifurcations in structural design. Nonlinear Dynamics Vol. 43, pp. 47-58, 2006.  

Várkonyi P. Hajlított tartók egyszerűsített merevségi vizsgálata. Vasbetonépítés 2001/3 115-118. (2001)


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Last update: 10/2014